Sunday, May 23, 2010

Eyebrow Colour

Your brows shape your face and add a lot of drama to your eyes. They can either make you look old and harsh or soft and young, since they frae your shape and type of eyes. They can also make your eyes look smaller or larger. Today, instead of thickening them with eyebrow pencil, you can fill them with color, subtly and attractively.

First, select brow filler that’s a couple of shades lighter than your hair. If your brows are freshly plucked, so much the better. Here, the trick is to apply a natural eyebrow shape with the help of a hard stiff, short brush, and colorations instead of pencils. Though pencils are good to use, they aren’t good for novices since they require a lot of practice.

However, use colorations to make a few light, feathery strokes on the thicker part of your brows with a sharp eyebrow pencil, and then add color to the thinner parts of your brow.

Next, if you have thin brows, use a brow powder. With the help of a flat angled brow brush, color over the length of the brow, taking in its natural shape. First, apply color to the outer edges of the brow and move in closer to the nose.

Once you have finished pencilling your brows, powder them very lightly against the direction of the hair for a softer, more natural look. Then, brush upwards in the direction of the forehead with two fingers to take off any excess powder and keep the hair in its natural position. For this, you can use an eyebrow brush too.

Use a clean mascara brush to neaten up your brows. If loose hairs are out of place, set them in place and blend color for a more natural look. Use wax-based brow powder, brow gel or alcohol-free hair gel to keep your brows in place all day.

If you want to make your eyes appear larger and more open, don’t let your brows appear too low near your eyes. Instead, maintain enough space between your eyes and eyebrows by plucking clean from below the brows. Pluck just enough so that they don’t end up looking too thin. And if you have bushy eyebrows, trim the tops to keep them short and of medium thickness.

Do you have small eyes? If yes, do not wear your eyebrows thick or they will make your eyes look smaller. On the other hand, if your brows are thinner, they will make your eyes look larger. And it your eyes are close set, you can create an illusion of space between your brows to give your eyes an open look.

Tip: For a natural look and color, choose a color that is closest to that of your eyebrow and fill in the gaps. This will give you a well groomed brow. If you can’t decide on the right shade, go in for a shade lighter than your brow.

So, with the right method to do your eyebrows before you, you can give yourself a natural look to such an extent that no one will know you’ve touched up your brows.

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